b'Anti\x10collapse SystemA nti-collapse system prevents any risk of spillage fromT89 &ertied pallets in warehouse storages.T he system is used for pendulum safe handling and storing of products in a logistics test method environment.It is made from fully welded mesh and T roax anti-collapse steel frames and is strong and durable.system is tested andapproved by TV T he panels are available in three models withR heinland to withstand diereQt VDIet\\ leYelV to VXit \\oXr VSecic QeedV.an impact of 2 ,5 00 T he A nti-collapse screen can be made from 7 00mm, J oules. 1,2 00mm and 1,5 00mm high panels by 1,100mmand 2 ,2 00mm wide.Please call us forfurther details& adviceSpeed %olt U n i - b r a c k e tSpeed bolt is developed for the anti-collapse Uni-bracket is a versatile bracket which can be mounted system.T he speed bolt is a perfect fastener, especiallyiQ IoXr diereQt SoVitioQV. 7he XQiTXe Nit VecXre method when you require a fast & safe assembly.It s only onekeeps the panels locked in position.It has a cut-out which item which you mount from the front and you don teases the removal of pallet racking beams located near need to reach around the backside of the upright. the brackets.Auser-friendly system as it can be built more logically from the bottom of the screen upwards.8008 Anco Pro.indd 8 09/01/2024 13:42:58'