b'S t o r a g e , S e c u r i t y C a g e s & H a z a r d o u sS a f e t y C a b i n e t s f o r F l a m m a b l e S u b s t a n c e s1 A 0 N T E EYRG U R AExceed the requirements of H SG5 1, 2 015(H SE Storageof Flammable Liquids in Containers, 3rd Edition)Meets the requirements of H SG140, 2 015(H SE Safe Use & H andling of Flammable Liquids, 2 nd Edition)\x140 miQXtere teVted Dt XS to \x14\x0f300& \x0biQdeSeQdeQt teVtiQJ\x0c,QterQDl temSerDtXre dXriQJre teVt NeSt Eelow the DXtoiJQitioQ temSerDtXre oI YDVt mDMorit\\ oIDmmDEle liTXidV&DQ helS MXVtiI\\ VtorDJe oI more YolXme oIDmmDEleliquids than H SG5 1 would normally allowFully load testedSelf-closing models have fusible links Concealed self-close mechanism releasethDt cloVe the doorV Dt \x1a\x17& doors on self-closing models from any openDual wall construction with insulating air space position & the door will shut & latchFully welded construction with 1mm steel used throughout A dj ustable shelf positions on 7 6 mm3 point heavy duty stainless bullet self-latching centres, each with 15 6 kg UDL ratingdoors positive door closure without Continuous piano hinges on doorsmanual rotation to ensure latching Shelves direct leaks to back & bottom of cabinetLeak proof integrated sump & 2air vents A dj ustable levelling feetwithDme DrreVterV EXilt\x10iQ Built in grounding connectorDescription O verall Siz e No of No of Sump Manual Close Doors Self Close DoorsHx W x D mm Doors Shelves Capacity Model Price Model PriceMini Cabinet 5 80 x 5 6 0 x 2 30 2L SCF001M P . O . A . - -Countertop Cabinet 5 80 x 5 6 0 x 46 0 6 . 5L SCF002 M P . O . A . SCF011S P . O . A .889x 5 9 1 x 45 7 1 1 10 L SCF003M P . O . A . SCF012 S P . O . A .CompactCabinet 1118 x 5 9 1 x 45 7 10 L SCF004M P . O . A . SCF013S P . O . A .Slimline Cabinet 16 5 1 x 5 9 1 x 45 7 3 10 L SCF005 M P . O . A . SCF014S P . O . A .Undercounter Cabinet 889x 889x 45 9 2 0 L SCF006 M P . O . A . SCF015 S P . O . A .1118 x 109 2x 45 7 1 2 0 L SCF007 M P . O . A . SCF016 S P . O . A .Standard 16 5 1 x 109 2x 45 7 2 2 0 L SCF008M P . O . A . SCF017 S P . O . A .Cabinet 16 5 1 x 86 4 x 86 4 2 31. 5L SCF009 M P . O . A . SCF018S P . O . A .16 5 1 x 109 2x 86 4 41 L SCF010M P . O . A . SCF019 S P . O . A .1 3 2084 - Dex & Anco.indd 7 09/01/2024 14:49:52'