b'F i r s t A i d , H y g i e n e & J a n i t o r i a l E q u i p m e n tF i r s t A i d K i t sEither H SE or BS 85 9 9 -1:2 019compliant firstaid kits to suit home & workplace needsT he kits provide you with components & contentswhich can assist in providing adequate first aid provisionbased upon each company s risk assessmentDurable & robust plastic cases, available in 3 siz esN E WH SE First A id Kits H SE H SE H SE BS BS BSDescription Small Medium Large Small Medium LargeGuidance Leaflet & Instructions 1 1 1 1 1 1Medium Sterile Dressing - 12 0 x 12 0mm 6 9 12 2 4 6Large Sterile Dressing - 180 x 180mm 2 3 4 2 3 4T riangular Bandage - 9 00 x 9 00 x 12 7 0mm 4 6 8 2 3 4Safety Pins (pack of 6 ) 1 2 2Eye Pad Sterile Dressing 2 4 6 2 3 4Washproof Plasters (pack of 2 0) 1 2 3 2 3 5Microporous T ape - 2 5 0mm x 5 M - - - 1 2 3Nitrile powder-free Disposable Gloves (pair) 1 2 3 6 9 12Cleansing Wipes 6 10 2 0 2 0 30 40BS First A id Kits Finger Dressing - 35 0 x 35 0mm - - - 2 3 4H SE First A id Kit BS First A id Kit R evive A id (R esuscitation Device) - - - 1 1 2Description Model Price Model Price T hermal Blanket - - - 1 2 3Small 10E8 . 9 5 S91 4 . 9 5 Burn Dressing - 100 x 100mm - - - 1 2 2Medium 2 0E1 2 . 9 5M92 2 . 9 5 T uff-Kut Scissors - - - 1 1 1Large 5 0E1 7 . 9 5L92 8 . 9 5 Conforming Bandage - 7 5 0mm x 4. 5 M - - - 1 2 2B u r n s K i tT his Burns Kit is effective for use at work or home & provides effectiverelief from a variety of burns including scalds & sunburnA n essential requirement within the workplace, particularly wherethe risk of getting burn related inj uries is higherIncludes;1 of 2 0 x 2 0cm & 2of 10 x 10cm burns dressing, 2of 10 x 10cm & 1 of 10 x 2 0cm low adherent dressing,8 x burn gel sachets, 8 x 2 0ml eye wash pods, crepe bandage(10cm x 4. 5 M), 2x conforming bandage (7 . 5 cm x 4. 5 M), 2pairs of gloves, 1 x microporous tape (2 . 5 cm x 5 M) & scissorsModel Price N E W9 08161 3 . 9 5V e h i c l e F i r s t A i d Ki tT his robust first aid kit is designed with the user in mind, containingessential equipment in case of emergency.T his motorist kit is idealfor use in domestic vehicles as well as company cars.Includes;pack of 6safety pins, clinical waste bag (2 03 x 35 4mm),assorted washproof plasters (bag of 2 0), 10 x sterile saline wipes,thermal blanket (2 04 x 140cm), large flow wrapped dressing(18 x 18cm), 3 of medium flow wrapped dressing (12x 12 cm),triangular bandage (9 0 x 9 0 x 12 7 cm), pair of gloves, revive aidresuscitation device, conforming bandage (7 . 5 cm x 4. 5 M) & scissorsN E W Model Price8084B8 . 9 5I c e P a c k & H o t / C o l d P a c kProvides on-the-spot cold therapy for N E Wbruising, sprains and muscle inj uriesDescription Pack Siz e Siz e Model PriceIce Pack 10 19 0 x 130 9 9 874 . 5 6R eusable Cold & H ot Pack 10 2 6 0 x 135 30R EUH C11 7 . 0 64 9 0 Lower value orders may incur carriage costs - please call for details442 - Dex & Anco.indd 7 17/01/2024 19:17:08'