b'S i g n s , L a b e l s & N o t i c e / W h i t e b o a r d sF l o o r G r a p h i c M a r k e r sH igh visibility floor signs430mm diameterDesigned to withstandthe everyday traffic ina warehouse FM01 FM02 FM03 FM04 FM05 FM06 Independently tested forslip resistanceFM10 FM11 FM12 FM13 FM14 FM15UKMANUFACTURED FM16 FM17 FM18 FM19 FM2 0 FM2 1FM2 2 FM2 3 FM2 4 FM2 5 FM2 6 FM2 7FM2 8 FM2 9 FM30 FM31 FM32 FM33FM34 FM35 FM36 FM37 FM38 FM39FM05 Model Price FM2 8See codes below each illustration2 4 . 6 0F l o o r S i g n a l l i n gManufactured from tough PV CEasy solution for marking upin your warehouseDesigned to withstand trafficin a warehouseFS/ F: Pack of 10 -5right & 5left feet C O L O U RO P T I O N SY ellowBlackWhiteGreenR edBluespecify when ordering Description O verall Siz e Pack Model PriceHx W mm Siz eTFloor Signal 2 00 x 300 10 FS/ T1 8 . 2 0L Floor Signal 2 00 x 2 00 10 FS/ L1 8 . 2 0+Floor Signal 300 x 300 10 FS/ +2 6 . 5 0OFloor Signal 9 0 dia. 100 FS/ O4 1 . 4 0O Floor Signal 9 0 x 9 0 100 FS/ A4 1 . 4 0 Floor Signal 300 x 100 10 FS/ F1 8 . 2 0F r a m e sf l o o r s47oXJh\x0fDt\x0f coloXr coded UK MANUFACTURED oor ideQti cDtioQ IrDmeVA vailable in 2insert siz es: A 4 and DLChoice of 6stand out colours Permanent industrial strength adhesive to withstandwDrehoXVe trDcIdeal for identifying bulk stack locations or to highlightimportant informationSiz e of Insert Colours Model PriceDL - 2 10 x 9 9 mm Blue, Black, Green, R ed or Y ellow FFDL/ 103 7 . 7 0DL - 2 10 x 9 9 mm 2of each of the above colours FFDLMIX / 103 7 . 7 0DL - 2 10 x 9 9 mm Y ellow & Black FFDLBY / 104 6 . 2 0A 4 - 2 10 x 2 9 5 mm Blue, Black, Green, R ed or Y ellowFFA 4/ 106 4 . 1 0A 4 - 2 10 x 2 9 5 mm 2of each of the above colours FFA 4MIX / 106 4 . 1 0A 4 - 2 10 x 2 9 5 mm Y ellow & Black FFA 4BY / 107 4 . 4 0Lower V alue O rders May Incur a H andling Charge 1 7 7129 - Dex & Anco.indd 10 09/01/2024 16:49:42'