b'P l a t f o r m & S h e l f T r o l l e y sC o r n e r S k a t e S e tSet of 4 low-level corner skates, designed to assist with the moving of large rectangular loads such as cupboards, office cabinets & storage systemT he skates are placed under eachcorner of the load to be movedPressed steel frameMobile on 4 x 5 0mm non-marking, rubber, swivel castorsN E WSKCR 6 0Capacity O verall Siz e Weight Model Pricekg L x W x Hmm kg6 00 2 6 0 x 2 6 0 x 32 0 11 SKCR 6 01 5 4 . 8 0C o m p l e t e S k a t e S e tIndustrial shifting skates are designed for moving heavy obj ects.T hey are ideal for moving factory machinery, power generators, large steel constructions etcLoads can be raised using either a roller crowbar or a hydraulic j ackSkates are maintenance free with sealed bearingsT hey are fitted with handles for ease of carrying and positioningT he tops of the skates are covered with anN E Wanti-slip rubber mat for stability and protection of loadsIncludes steerable skate & drawbar, 2x adj ustable skates & connecting rodsSKSE6 0SKSE36 0Capacity R ollers Weight Model Pricekg mm kg6 000 85x 9 0 Nylon 31 SKSE6 04 5 8 . 3 512 ,000 85x 9 0 Nylon 80 SKSE12 08 2 1 . 4 5SKSE12 0 36 ,000 83 x 85Steel 131 SKSE36 0 1 1 6 6 . 7 0 I N F O RM A i O NTIC a t e r p i l l a r S k a t e Ki t s J a c k s a r e a v a i l a b l e -Caterpillar style skate sets are ideal for transportation p l e a s e c a l l f o r d e t a i l sof very heavy items over good firm floors N E WSuitable for installation and movement of heavy loadsSteering handles provide precise controlT ravel speed up to 5 m/ minMinimum turning circle: 3mmEach set consist of:4 caterpillar style (connected) roller skates2turntables2packing plates2steering handles2link-up bars & 1 draw barEach set is supplied ina steel box for easy storage & transportationCapacity R ollers H eight Weight Model Pricekg mm mm kg6 0,000 30 140 9 2 SKCA 6009 4 6 . 4 53 4 7299 - Dex & Anco.indd 20 09/01/2024 20:42:14'