b'S a f e t y , S e c u r i t y , P P E , M a t t i n g & F l o o r i n gC o b a m a t S t a n d a r dFights against operator fatigueSlip tested to EN135 01-1:2 018 EFL s2Flame retardant to DIN 5 1130:2 014 R 10O ffers slip resistance in both directionsColours: red, black, green or blueT hickness: 12 mmH ole siz e: 2 2x 2 2 mmO verall Siz e Model PriceL x W mm6 00 x 10,000 CS-06 105 4 8 . 3 89 00 x 10,000 CS-09 108 2 2 . 6 3 UK12 00 x 10,000 CS-12 101 0 9 6 . 7 8 MANUFACTUREDEdging per linear metre X S011 0 . 5 8C o b a m a t I n t e rEasy to clean with detergent & a pressure cleanerGives added cross grip in wet/ oily areasIdeal for heavy duty applicationsColours: red, black,green or blueT hickness: 12 mmH ole siz e: 30 x 10mmO verall Siz e Model PriceL x W mm6 00 x 10,000 CE-06 106 7 6 . 0 8UK 9 00 x 10,000 CE-09 101 0 1 3 . 9 6MANUFACTURED 12 00 x 10,000 CE-12 101 3 5 2 . 1 8Edging per linear metre X E021 0 . 5 8W o r k s t a t i o n M a t UKSupplied with yellow bevelled edge MANUFACTUREDCross ribbed to help prevent slipping in wet areasIdeal as a machine operatives matSlip tested to EN135 01-1:2 018 EFL s2Flame retardant to DIN5 1130:2 014 R 10Good resistance to themaj ority of oils & chemicalsT hickness: 12 mmO verall Siz e Model PriceL x W mm6 00 x 12 00 - Standard( 2x2 2 mm H ole S izWS-07 011 1 1 . 8 62 e)1000 x 15 00 - Standard( 2 2x2 2 mm H ole S izWS-07 022 1 0 . 2 3e)12 00 x 1800 - Standard( 2 2x2 2 mm H ole S izWS-07 032 8 7 . 8 8e)6 00 x 12 00 - H eavy Duty( 2 2x1 0mm H ole S izWD-07 011 6 7 . 6 5e)1000 x 15 00 - H eavy Duty( 2 2x1 0mm H ole S izWD-07 023 1 0 . 3 8e)12 00 x 1800 - H eavy Duty( 2 2x1 0mm H ole S izWD-07 034 2 5 . 5 6e)W o r k s a f e M a tManufactured from hard wearing rubberIdeally suited to relieve operator fatigueBevelled edges help prevent trips over the matUnique underside design prevents the matfrom slipping on the floorO verall Siz e Model PriceL x W mm9 00 x 15 00 - Black SW-00011 6 8 . 4 49 00 x 15 00 - Blue (grease/ oil resistant) SW-00022 2 1 . 0 41 6 1113 - Dex & Anco.indd 4 09/01/2024 16:41:56'