b'C o n t e n t s :Industrial Buildings 2& 3Partitions & Guards 4 to 9A ccess Equipment 10 & 11O ffice Partitions 12If your storage requires a more bespoke solution, we can help.We can advise you on a wide range of systems which will help increase your storage efficiencyA fter discussing your requirements with you, we will design, proj ect youmanage & install your system, helpingimplement the new facility with the minimum of disruption.From mez z anines to conveyors, from drive-in rackingto multi-tier structures, we are here to help. If you have a proj ect brief to take forward or would like to arrange a site survey, j ust pick up the phone & talk to us.M e z z a n i n e F l o o r sAmez z anine floor is a quick & easy way of utilising the available height of a building, by doubling or eventripling the available floor space.Installed quickly & cost effectively, a mez z anine floor can prove to be a rational alternative to relocating your business or expanding your premises.Mez z anine Floors aretypically designed as free-standing platforms &comprise cold rolled galvanised secondary floor beams bolted into the main universal beams, in turn supported by rolled hollow section steel columns.T his structure is topped with a tough 38mm thick tongue & groovedparticle board, although we can provide alternatives when required.P l e a s e c a l l u s f o rf u r t h e r d e t a i l s& a d v i c e1001 Anco Pro.indd 1 09/01/2024 13:42:41'