b'O f f i c e P a r t i t i o n i n gP l e a s e c a l l u s f o rf u r t h e r d e t a i l s& a d v i c eAPartition Wall creates a dynamic, functional workingenvironment.Demountable Partition Walls allow youto reconfigure the space as your business requirementsevolve.Glass Partition Walls in an office environmentcreate light, open spaces whilst maintaining privacy,security & control over sound, temperature &lighting needs of individual areas.M a k e t h e m o s to f y o u r s p a c e . . .Y ou may require a more open plan office or the opposite.Utilising the flexibility that O ffice Partitioning gives, you are able to create the space & /or individual working areas that you need.H aving the option to increase privacy, soundreduction or add fire protection routes.Whether it is a simple alteration or a complete officerefurbishment it needn t be a daunting task.With ourexpertise, experience & skills in space planning we willendeavour to meet your requirements no matter how big or small the proj ect may be. Q uick & easy installations - tailoredto your individual requirements Utilise space & create privacy where needed e-locatable can be moved or Rextended to suit your future needsWide range of designs, finishes & accessories available Fully glaz ed or partial glaz ed modules 7doors Fire resistance of up to 6 0mins Sound reduction up to 5 0dB R w Integral colour co-ordinated blinds &other furnishings are available1 2012 Anco Pro.indd 12 09/01/2024 13:43:03'