b'W o r k b e n c h e s & D r a w e r C a b i n e t sI N F O RM A i O NTIB i n a r y E l e c t r i c H e i g h t A d j u s t a b l e W o r k b e n c h e sC o m p l e t e y o u rw o r k b e n c h w i t h t h e s eF a c c e s s o r i e sBBinary Workbench A ccessoriesD Key Description Model PriceG A A luminium A ccessory Frame (to suit 12 00mm bench)BIA LBFME12 X X 2 5 6 . 7 8A A luminium A ccessory Frame (to suit 15 00mm bench)BIA LBFME15 X X 2 8 9 . 3 9A A luminium A ccessory Frame (to suit 1800mm bench) BIA LBFME18X X 3 3 4 . 2 2C Laminate Upper Shelf (to suit 12 00mm bench)B 5 0Hx 12 00W x 300Dmm BIUS3012 PLX X1 6 5 . 7 5A B Laminate Upper Shelf (to suit 15 00mm bench) BIUS3015 PLX X1 9 7 . 0 05 0Hx 15 00W x 300DmmB Laminate Upper Shelf (to suit 1800mm bench) BIUS3018PLX X2 2 6 . 8 95 0Hx 1800W x 300DmmC Peg Back Panel (to suit 15 00mm bench) BIBPPEG15 LX X9 6 . 4 65 00Hx 45 0W x 30DmmC Peg Back Panel (to suit 12 00 & 1800mm bench) BIBPPEG18-121 0 0 . 5 45 00Hx 5 45 W x 30DmmD Louvre Back Panel (to suit 15 00mm bench) BIBPLO V 15 LX9 6 . 4 65 00Hx 45 0W x 30Dmm XD Louvre Back Panel (to suit 12 00 & 1800mm bench) BIBPLO V 18-12 1 0 0 . 5 45 00Hx 5 45 W x 30DmmE Magnetic Back Panel (to suit 15 00mm bench) BIBPMA G15 LX X 9 6 . 4 65 00Hx 45 0W x 30DmmE Magnetic Back Panel (to suit 12 00 & 1800mm bench) BIBPMA G18-121 0 0 . 5 45 00Hx 5 45 W x 30DmmF Shelf Dividers (Pack of 5 ) - to be fitted to the Upper Shelf BIDIV PK5 LX X X 8 5 . 5 9UK G Modular H alf Shelf (to suit 12 00mm bench) BIMDS12 00PLX1 2 0 . 9 25 0Hx 6 00W x 15 0DmmMANUFACTUREDG Modular H alf Shelf (to suit 15 00mm bench) BIMDS15 00PLX1 1 1 . 4 15 0Hx 5 00W x 15 0DmmG Modular H alf Shelf (to suit 1800mm bench) BIMDS1800PLX1 2 0 . 9 25 0Hx 6 00W x 15 0DmmHJILight not included QLight R ail not includedBinary Workbench A ccessoriesKey Description Model PriceH Modular Bin R ail (to suit 12 00mm bench) BIBINR L12 LX X 4 3 . 4 8100Hx 6 00W x 30Dmm (containers sold separately)K L H Modular Bin R ail (to suit 15 00mm bench) BIBINR L15 LX X 5 0 . 2 7100Hx 5 00W x 30Dmm (containers sold separately)H Modular Bin R ail (to suit 1800mm bench) BIBINR L18LX X5 5 . 7 0100Hx 6 00W x 30Dmm (containers sold separately)I A bove Bench Light R ail (to suit 12 00mm bench) BILIGH T R L12 LX1 5 0 . 8 1M R I A bove Bench Light R ail (to suit 15 00mm bench) BILIGH T R L15 LX1 5 4 . 8 8I A bove Bench Light R ail (to suit 1800mm bench) BILIGH T R L18LX 1 5 8 . 9 6SJ A bove Bench LED Light (30 Watt) BILED30WX X X X 2 1 4 . 6 6K Worktop Service Duct - 130Hx 410W x 5 5 Dmm BISER V DCT LXX1 2 0 . 9 2L Side Panel Support A rm (to be fitted with BISUPA R M5 30L 1 1 6 . 8 4panels or storage shelf) - 5 30LmmM Centre Panel Support A rm (to be fitted with BISUPA R M305 L 1 0 5 . 9 7panels or storage shelf) - 305 Lmm N Side Peg Board (to be fitted to panel support arm) BISPPEG442 9 L7 4 . 7 2N O P 440Hx 2 9 0W x 30DmmO Side Louvre Panel (to be fitted to panel support arm) BISPLO V 442 97 4 . 7 2440Hx 2 9 0W x 30Dmm LT P Side Magnetic Panel (to be fitted to panel support arm) BISPMA G442 9 L 7 2 . 0 1440Hx 2 9 0W x 30DmmQ Container Storage Shelf (to be fitted to panel support arm) BICO NSH 5 1LXX1 0 5 . 9 7T o suit 80Hx 100W x 16 0Dmm plastic containersR Monitor Support A rm (Centre Fitted) - 305 Lmm BIMO NA R M305L1 1 1 . 4 1S Monitor Support A rm (Side Fitted) - 5 30Lmm BIMO NA R M5 30L1 3 1 . 7 9T A dj ustable T ilting Shelf (to suit 12 00 & 1800mm bench)BIA DJ SH 18-12 1 9 7 . 0 0E T A dj ustable T ilting Shelf (to suit 15 00mm bench) BIA DJ SH 15 LXX1 9 1 . 5 72 4 2194 - Dex & Anco.indd 19 09/01/2024 17:31:55'