b'W a r e h o u s e P a r t i t i o n i n gA nti-collapse system prevents any risk of spillage from pallets in warehouse storages.T he system is used for safe handling and storing of products in a logistics environment.It is made from fully welded mesh and steel frames and is VtroQJ DQd dXrDEle. 7he SDQelV Dre DYDilDEle iQ three modelV with di ereQt VDIet\\ leYelV to VXit \\oXr VSeci c QeedV. 7he A nti-collapse screen can be made from 7 00mm, 1,2 00mm and 1,5 00mm high panels by 1,100mm and 2 ,2 00mm wideM e s h S h e l v e sL o c k s f o r D o o r s( U R 3 5 0 & ( U X 4 5 0 ) P A N I C B A R A B L O Y E L 4 6 O B A N DAH SASNADC Y L I N D E RU R 3 2 5 ) KN0 L E5 0 5 0 mm mesh2 52 5mm mesh For emergencyAkit with the electrical When it shall beAfrequently used panels are an idealpanels are adaptedevacuation.A vailablelock A BLO YEL46 0 possible to open thedoor, which can be solution for providingfor applications thatas a hinged door,is combined withdoor from the insideused both locked with a safe workingrequire a high level of split function forwith only the handlea key or unlocked withtted with eXro Sro le environment thatsafety, such as storingcylinder.T he T roaxemergency exit fromand necessary to use aj ust the handles.allows natural light aerosols, or haz ardousPanic Bar meets thethe inside key from the outsideand ventilation. or high-value goods. requirements of norm T he panels allowEN112 5natural light and ventilation.( U R 3 0 0 ) ( U R S P ) E U R O C Y L I N L EECRT R I C SPTARDI L C KE D KEO100 5 0 mm meshFull steel Afrequently usedWhen an electricFor less frequent panels are a lighterModular panels aredoor, which can bekeyless control isaccess.alternative to 5 0 5 0ideal for creatingused both locked withneeded.For examplemm, but still a perfectstorage areas fora key or unlocked withtogether with a tag/solution for providingstoring goods out ofj ust the handles. code/card system.a safe workingsight.T hey are made environment. Irom Sro led Vteel sheet and available in D QXmEer oI di ereQt standard widths. 9009 Anco Pro.indd 9 09/01/2024 13:42:59'